Metalube Plants Trees in Further Commitment to Carbon Neutral Policy

Metalube Plants Trees in Further Commitment to Carbon Neutral Policy

Metalube has once again committed to carbon neutrality by planting over 1,000 trees in North Yorkshire, UK.

The company first started its carbon neutral policy in 2019 and has since then implemented a series of efficiency upgrades to its manufacturing processes around the globe. In addition to offsetting carbon, the company has planted native trees in the Yorkshire dales which has been validated and verified under the woodland carbon code.  The aim is to continue with tree planting whilst actively reducing the carbon footprint within the organisation through several efficiency projects.

Environmental responsibility has always played a key role in the business, which has worked successfully with the Business Growth Hub’s Manufacturing and Resource Efficiency Services.  Robert Brown, Managing Director says: “The ‘corporate carbon footprint’ is an important component for the development of our climate protection strategy. We have analysed and identified reduction potentials and subsequently defined our goals.  The procedure for calculating the footprint is carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the GHG Protocol.   We’re also constantly looking at what is the right thing to do in terms of raw materials and developing lubricants that are safer for the environment without compromising performance. We’re doing some quite innovative things such as soluble products that you add water to, which means less product needs to be shipped.”

Ele acrescenta: “Desperdício e resíduos de embalagens são outro ponto de contato em que desejamos nos concentrar. No momento, estamos deixando de usar embalagens de plástico sempre que possível e também investigamos o uso de barris reciclados, o que está se revelando difícil. Mas estamos continuamente explorando novas maneiras. É importante que a compensação seja usada da maneira certa. Deve ser um incentivo para reduzir suas próprias emissões, não algo que você simplesmente pague e esqueça; essa é a coisa errada a se fazer na minha opinião. Trata-se de acertar primeiro em sua manufatura. Observar suas matérias-primas e administrar sua participação de forma eficiente. Investindo em nossa própria fábrica e aprimorando nosso processo de fabricação. Todas essas coisas têm um impacto ambiental. ”

Metalube is part of The Metalube Group which is the holding company for a group of industrial lubricants brands – Metalube, Molyslip and Vapor-Tek.   Located in Irlam, Manchester UK, the group is owned and managed by a team of directors with extensive knowledge of the market for industrial lubricants both in the UK and across the World.

Find out more about our Corporate Social Responsibility here 

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